
By JoppaStrand

Strorm Desmond deluge arrives in Edinburgh

A perfect storm . Atlantic depression Desmond and the indefinite closure of the Forth Road bridge from midnight last night resulted in the lightest pre Christmas road traffic in Edinburgh, I have ever experienced,  this lunchtime. I had to go into town for voulntary work commitments and arrived 20 minutes early due to the light traffic.  Fears of 50 million pounds lost to the Scottish economy as a result of the bridge closure seems very conservative to me.  ( I think Amazon has one of its Scottish warehouses just off the M90 north of Dunfermline?).

My blip is taken from the 26 bus, homeward bound through the wind and galeforce winds.

The ice rinks were more like slush rinks due to the high temperatures. There was plenty of slush on view and very few skaters. The big wheel looked like it had been put off limits too. The wind was fairly shoogling the wee cabins and that was before the main storm arrived  this evening.

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