I mix with the Stars

Aww I am missing blip so much, I miss all my friends.

It was my work Christmas Do last night....I'm posting this on Sunday, I don't know if it was taken before or after midnight. What a great bunch of people they are, we had such a laugh. My head has jack hammers pounding in it this morning, my feet are screaming and I ache all over....but who cares after such a good time !!

I checked into the hotel at about four and we all sat in the bar for drinks before we went to get ready. I was sharing with two young, pretty girls and I was worried I'd feel like an old frump, but they were lovely. We got ready then joined everyone else in the 'pre party party room' for more drinks and a team photo. Then it was off for the 'Do'.

Hollywood was the theme and I had borrowed Pat's red feather boa for the occasion. We had a box of hats and masks and things on each table...I grabbed the tiara he he he. I think I shall wear it every day in December now.

We ate, we danced and we drank. Some went off to bed early but some of us danced to the very end then got into our pjs and got together in one of the rooms for a pyjama party. Two fell asleep but the rest of us laughed on until after three. I'd passed the tired feeling and I was awake until nearly four chatting with Ashleigh.

We all met for a hearty breakfast this morning...I'm hoping it will cure my head lol..and now I'm home. I've just had an invite to join friends for a drink at the John Gilbert later so I need to clear my head by then. What a toptastic night.

I shall try to catch up with all you lovely lot out there. I hope you are all well and ticketty boo. X

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