
Not a very restful night. We were woken up at 4.30am by a rodent scrabbling in the wall behind our bed - very loudly. Himself thumped the wall and that seemed to do the trick but the wind was also howling and the rain was lashing and when I eventually went back to sleep my dreams were very odd. We were in London, with the sons and my brother and were attempting to get somewhere but I managed to get lost and couldn't remember exactly where it was we were headed for. I found three mobiles in my bag but none of them were mine and I couldn't work them. I jumped on a tube but somehow went the wrong way and ended up in the countryside - wild garlic underfoot! I thought I ought to be in Piccadilly and decided to run back into town! Running has never been my forte but I seemed to managing it but still things were not as they should be and it was getting dark. I was now by the sea (not Piccadilly then) and two men arrived, equally lost and yes, one was naked. Nudity had to be involved at some point didn't it- thank goodness it wasn't me. That didn't appear to be an issue and we decided that grouping together would be the best way of survival. How this all panned out I'm afraid I don't know for Himself thankfully arrived with the tea. Freud would have a field day but I blame paint inhalation. 

I zoomed into Enniskean to collect the fabric and later went into Bantry to see if anywhere could make up some curtains. No  chance, girl, not before February was the very honest reply from the first shop and the woman in the second shop was going on holiday so no luck there either. There were signs of a slight shopping frenzy in Bantry for today is the Feast of the immaculate Conception, once a day of obligation, and now considered National Christmas Shopping Day. 10% off everything and some schools still take the day off. No I don't see the connection either.

I know I said I might blip the room but the skies beguiled me. I couldn't decide which sky I liked best so made a collage - all this happened within one 20 minute journey.  Might be worth biggifying.

Last chips and arthouse until after Christmas tonight - a Japanese film  Uzumasa Limelight , about men who fight the lead stars in Samurai films.  You can't say we don't have a varied programme. I'll report back.

PS Maisiebeth is taking over hosting Derelict Sunday after this week and is looking for anyone else who might be interested in doing a stint of hosting after that. Do get in touch with either of us if you fancy it.

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