at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Mother's help

Briar started sleeping on her tummy last night for the first time, not quite bum in the air ivy style though, which seems to have gone hand in hand with her sleeping much better overnight. Down from 4 night feeds to 1 instantly!

Ivy made soda bread with Euan to go with dinner, altough her approach to bread making is very much get her hands in, which wasn't what this particular recipe called for. She's been doing impressions of euan recently,,today saw me being told 'I am so sick of it mummy'

Willow tried a syringe feed instead of a pump today, she wasn't sick but she was incredibly grumpy afterwards. She hoovered up cocoa custard for pudding though.

Briar was trying to be little spoon to willow tonight (really hoping she goes back to her tummy soon) and poor willow kept trying to have a bit of a room.

After ivy went to bed, I put up her teepee and added fairy lights, tinsel, baubles, blankets and a box of books inside- she is ll going to love her new winter grotto I'm sure

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