Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

McAlice in hot water.........

........well hot tea to be more precise! let this be a warning to all about the dangers of dunking your biscuits(well if you are only a few inches tall that is).

thought it was about time i checked up on blip's anti hero. last time we saw him he was facing great peril. which we thought he had overcame...............sadly however this was not the case!
so again our hapless wonder is up to his neck in it again.

was a bit disappointed that you can't really make out how wet i got making this. yes i did step into the shower with my t-shirt on to get the drowned rat look but when you keep your head this well shaved the water runs right off so you don't even get the wet hair look................i don't know. the lengths i go to to try and entertain.

so found this is the car tonight. nothing to be read into it, just a cool mellow tune.

and here is one just to lift things after that one. not a religious man but this "is my church"...............can you guess what it is from that little clue?

have a great night folks..........

oh and P was very surprised and grateful for all the comments on this.

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