Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

my tattoo........

ok what is there to say at a time like this? i'm gutted....i really did believe we had a chance this time. even when we went 1-0 down i honestly thought they could fight back. to be fair they did us proud, it took them a while to get up and running but they did have the world champs on the ropes and panicking. now i know they could have wrapped it up with a chance that looked certain to be buried in the back of the net but we certainly did not deserve what came next.

the ref made some bad calls throughout the game but that one (and you know the one i'm talking about), but that one, how could he get it wrong? how could the linesman who was only a baw hair away get it wrong?

still not in the mood to go on about it and the boys have done us proud especially in the "group of death". let's look forward to a good world cup campaign with a team that has a lot more to give.

todays uninspired blip is for this weeks assignment, the lines obviously being my tattoo. tweaked a bit and i may post a proper image of it later.

enjoy your sunday folks

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