
By Viewpoint

Twenty Twenty Exhibition of Prints

Hot-Bed Press organise an exhibition and exchange of prints called twenty, twenty where each print paper is 20cm square.  You produce an edition of 20 prints which are then distributed to other artists, so those taking part receive a box containing their own print plus 19 others.  It's a fantastic idea and one that unfortunately I haven't been able to engage with this year.  It was so good to see them displayed around the far end of the studio building.

A very lovely evening hosted by the village Baking Group where all `users' of the chapel are invited to socialise.  They put on the most amazing spread and it was good to see people who I haven't seen for a while.

I've not felt inspired to take photos for the last two days.  I managed a couple more prints to try out the Chine Colle technique on Tuesday afternoon and yesterday (Wednesday) we went to Tai Chi and then I played around with the idea of gathering a few more images together to send off to Moo Cards (I was feeling particularly lethargic yesterday afternoon).  I managed to find someone who knew where one of my mum's carers lived in the Brittania Inn on my way to camera club - we want to thank them and unfortunately the care firm has gone bust.  We lost badly in the inter-club photographic competition against Stocksbridge last night - just one of those judges I'm afraid!!  One of our members recently received the award of best mono print in the Wath Salon and even that only scored 18 (out of 20). 

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