Ready for My Sleep Study

Tonight I went to nearby Springfield for a night of sleep monitoring (this is posted the next day).  There's a possible question of sleep apnea, though it seems unlikely that it could be serious in my case. The technician supervising me was terrific, and I learned a lot--including that it's normal to experience a mild degree of sleep apnea.  It wasn't an especially comfortable night, due a) to the apparatus attached practically everywhere,  b) my being  still partially on European time (we flew back two days ago), and mild sore muscles in neck and shoulder (which have been around for a while). At about 3:15 a.m I decided that I was awake once and for all, and I was released, having been assured that adequate data had been gathered during the few hours I did sleep.

Driving home I came across a nocturnal blip for the next day  (which I'd had in mind for some time)--I'll post it in a few hours.

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