
By Exbeeb

When I needed my camera, it was of course at home.

I got to meet a real nomad today - at least that's what he said he is. He sported a beard and a pair of orange running shorts. That was it, that was all he had on.

I had seen him around last week - not the usual sort of nomad, not as I understand it anyway. He said he had come here for the sea and the quietude. He's been sleeping in his three year-old Audi estate, with a covered trailer behind with what I think is a fairly new Kawasaki bike inside.

As I walked along the sea road, I kept finding pieces of car - mainly wing mirrors and smashed glass. When I drew level with the nomad's car, I could see the windscreen had a huge dent in it, several feet in diameter.

Mr Nomad said he'd been asleep yesterday evening when two drunken yobs had run over the top of his car and jumped onto the windscreen, before running on to do the same to other vehicles. I could still see the footprints on the roof! He said the police caught them, but told him they'd probably just get a slap on the wrist.

As for the nomad - he's got to wait until Wednesday before they can repair his screen because of the weather - which is a trifle windy.

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