Ten Pence Coins

Thought it was about time to think of Christmas cards so searched through drawers to find last year's to remind me who got card ones and who got e-card ones.  Couldn't find any - maybe they disappeared during my clearout - but I did find this 1976 ten pence coin. At first I thought it was an old halfcrown and I got all excited!  Turned out it was on old ten pence - it's huge and I can't remember them that size. The ten pence coin was originally minted in cupro-nickel and weighed 11.31 grams with a diameter of 28.50 mm, thus identical to the old florin. There were only 100,000  1976 ten pence coins minted. On ebay they vary in price from almost nil to about £5 depending on their condition.  In 1992 a smaller version was introduced weighing 6.50 grams with a diameter of 24.50 mm, and in 2011 the metal was changed to nickel-plated steel. I thought a blip to show the difference in size was worth it. Now my blip's sorted I'm away down to the shops, and a major buy will be this year's Christmas cards.

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