Hanging the Exhibition

The winds have fairly calmed down today, still dull and overcast, with the odd shower.  A fine calm evening and starry sky :)  

I've had a busy day in the museum.  The morning was filled with phone calls and photo orders and also to setup for Mootie Moose.  After lunch, I had to run the Mootie Moose preschool club and it's been all about Christmas :)  The afternoon was spent setting up for events tomorrow, Bells Brae school choir will be singing. A lazy evening, a few walks with Sammy and then popped along mam.  Think it's time to put my feet up :)

I got the final bits of my exhibition put up today and it's now open :)  I run a page on Facebook called Shetland Photo A Day Challenge.  This exhibition has given me and other members a chance to display a photo in a public space.  The theme has been based on a photographer in Shetland in the 1970s, Tom Kidd.  Hope it proves popular and maybe organise another show next year.  Taken in the Shetland Museum.

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