A Rhododendric Cacophony

Thats a big ask for a medium sized curly dog to get her tongue around.
Wait…That’s NOT because I want to eat these thingies…They are probably like deadly lampshade or some such, it’s just the probarkciation thing…OK?

It’s been an action day. Sorta. The Boss was running (well fast walking) around with the lawnmower so I hid inside and watched thru the window.

Then he was doing tidy up stuff with a blower so I hid inside and watched thru the window.

Then he shifted a tree in a pot so I definitely hid inside and watched thru the window. That thing was heavy…Right.

Now all the chores are done and I am ready to rock and roll and wait…Oh thunder and RAIN…

Change of subject…..Do you remember when there was these things called serials that used to play on a thing called a wireless?
The Boss says he used to have a crystal set which I thought was to support his red wine habit but…

WELL The Boss listened to a serial on his Iphone (when it started to rain). It’s called a podcast now but he got really excited as it had all the stuff from the past with sound clips and such and was the true story about a Bloke that walked out of a US military base in Afghanistan some years ago and has all the features that will keep him well entertained when he should be feeling guilty about not taking me rocking and rolling. (see above)  Check it out at.  
 https://serialpodcast.org/about  Ain’t Tech grand?

Anyway after he had been past these flower thingies 17 times with the lawnmower he noticed they looked photogenic and the iphone was in his pocket and …….

Pawscript.. The Bossess had a fun time too as she rocked and rolled around the sky in Queenstown and just as the plane was about to touch the runway was entertained still further as the pilot had the thrill of pushing those lever thingies all the way forward and scaring the hair off a lovely lady tourist who was sitting next to her as they roared into the air again. 2nd time was better.


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