Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Balerno Chirstmas Tree Festival

Every year the village of Balerno organises a Christmas Tree Festival.

All the organisations and groups in the communities nearby decorate a Christmas Tree to a theme.  This year's theme was Christmas Carols.

We were late decorating the tree for Our Ladies Church in Currie, and I asked to put out the main lights to bag a blip of this magical scene.   It looked like a fairy forest.

I love seeing the decorations each year - even the tennis club made their little angels from tennis balls ! 

Our decorations were made by the children in our Children's Liturgy group.  The decorations are a bit rustic !!! but very personal.

On Sunday we have to dismantle the tree and transport it to Our Ladies where everyone can enjoy it over Christmas.

p.s. This year there were 3 halls to accommodate all the trees!

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