If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

First real snow of the winter!

There is one of you out there (you know who you are) who is muttering how can you have snow which isn't real.  Well what I mean is the only snow we have had so far was a tiny sprinkle with grass showing through.  Hardly worthy of being called snow.

When we set off for our usual Saturday jobs at the Lodge it was raining hard.  That changed to sleet.  Then as the day progressed it became snow.  After sorting the jobs at the Lodge we popped into the supermarket, nothing much on the ground so we decided to go along the A66 to a farm shop.

Big mistake.  A couple of miles along the road we came upon a long line of standing traffic.  Slowly we edged our way along so we agreed to abandon the farm shop and turn off for home.  When we reached the junction that is.  Eventually we reached the junction and it seems the hold up wasn't due to an accident as we suspect just the snow on the road.

By now the light was failing and I had been intending to get a blip at the farm shop.  So I have settled for a shot just entering the neighbouring village of Newbiggin.

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