
Well this little Fan Tail wasn't worried that there was a big black thing zooming in on her.  She was just keen to check on her make up in the mirror and have a drink before flying off into the banksia.  Gradually the little birds are getting used to us sitting a lot closer to the bird bowls.  BOY did I enjoy "Happy Hour" down by the bird bowls late this afternoon.

It's been a HUGE DAY today.  Dom came up from the valley to help us with a bit of clearing around the house and it was very motivating to have a strong young fella doing all the heavy lifting.  It's something we have to do constantly and that's keep the area around the house clear in case we have to go through a bushfire event.  We made huge inroads and it's been a very satisfying few hours.  I still had a bit of a spark left in my so I courageously said to Dom - "I'll meet you at the top of the drive and we'll just do some clearing around the Wombat Hollow sign".  Well I have to tell you, I should have hitched a ride.  It's only 150 metres to the top but all up hill.  My legs felt like I'd run across the Nullarbor.  Not as young as I used to be :-))

Tiny Tuesday #29 - Bumper Christmas Challenge!!
Well I'm feeling pretty smug - after a major search through three store rooms and just about every cupboard and drawer in the house I finally found what I was looking for.  Woohoo - well you'll have to wait until I post my Tiny Tuesday entry tomorrow to see what the fuss was all about.  I know, I'm a 'BIG TEASE'.  LOOKING FORWARD TO A BUMPER ENTRY TOMORROW.  don't forget to TAG your entry with TT29, TinyTuesday29.

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