Mono Monday Mobile

You betcha!!  In fact I defy anyone to show me two little boys who are more mobile than these two.  Well it was an exciting afternoon.  Archie and Vince visited from next door.  It was time to settle up, because they're the two great boys who look after our water bowls when we're travelling and it was time to collect their pay packet.  I had just said to CCN - "we'll hear them coming before we see them" and of course they arrived with Vince in a Billy Cart - what else would you expect!!

They are just adorable and we love them to bits.  Their Mum and Dad, Clare and Ado (short for Adrian) are the best neighbours you could imagine.  These little guys are just full of life and you should have seen their eyes pop when I told them about the Monitor Lizard who had come by for a drink at the Billabong the other day.  From then on it was a very serious discussion about "GoPro" cameras and strategies to capture the monitor Lizard on video etc. etc. etc.  

How lucky are we to have such a wonderful family living next door.  As you can see from the image, these little guys are just full of the joys of spring.  I have to admit they were pretty excited when they received their wages for looking after the Gang Gangs.  Now its 150 metres to the top of the drive and I reckon Archie had the energy to push Vince all the way to the gate!!

I have to get to bed early tonight because tomorrow is the "Bumper Christmas Tiny Tuesday Challenge" - don't think I'll be getting much sleep over the next three to four nights :-))

Thanks to skeena for hosting the mono monday challenge once again.

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