So proud!

Today Katie played publicly for the very first time, at Cafe Church carols. She absolutely loved it, did amazingly and was soooo happy and confident. The lady who'd put together the children's ensemble said she'd been a complete delight to have join them - they've been practising about six weeks and Katie was the youngest by a long way. She said she was so smiley and happy the whole time as well as doing really well. I think this has done loads of good for her confidence with her music. 

It's been a brilliant but crazy day. A morning with the bestie and her children, driving her hubby to collect broken down car.... home for the Festival of Christmas with Grandad and Granny, a quick pit stop for tea, then off to the Carols. It's been wonderful!! With the bonus that she came away with chocolate for winning the quiz and chocolate for taking part in both the children's choir and the band! 

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