My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Much better!

We saw a lovely senior midwife this morning who sensibly explained everything to us without the scaremongering that the awful consultant woman did last Friday. I feel so much more calm.

We're going into the maternity assessment unit next Monday morning for a full assessment with a registrar and they'll fully monitor baby and have a discussion to make a plan that everyone is happy with.

We also had a scan today at 36 weeks exactly. All is well, baby is growing away happily and is head-down (not breech as silly Friday lady said). She is spine to the right side though which isn't ideal - how do I get her to turn spine left in the next fortnight or so?? They estimate she's going to be a biggie too - 6lb13oz this morning already from the measurements they took.

Phew! I can't believe how different I feel today after today's appointment than on Friday and over the weekend. Bedside manner is a huge thing, isn't it?!

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