Fog and Fridge-Freezers

This morning I went to the early service at church and afterwards went to the new (well, new to me) Bishop Centre shopping centre between Maidenhead and Slough. I hoped to buy a few Christmas presents. I was mildly successful but it was busy, as expected. I try to avoid shopping on Sundays, especially close to Christmas, but my free shopping days have evaporated and I felt as if it was now or possibly never!  I'd hoped to make it leisurely and to include lunch or even just a coffee, but I ended up filling the whole 3 hours (max parking time) with actual shopping. Afterwards I spent another hour at Sainsbury's and was possibly more successful there than at the shopping centre!

When I finally drove home at about 3pm, a light fog was gathering which excited me!  I LOVE fog! (Unless it's heavy and I'm driving). I got home, scooped up Dolly and headed out to this nearby field. I love walking here in the fog because of how the line of trees look on the horizon.  I've added 3 more in the 'Extra photos' including one of the dew (not raindrops) on the leafy crop in the field.  

Poor Dolly, she wasn't so interested - it was chilly and damp and muddy underfoot. I promised her an evening on the sofa in front of the fire when we got home.

Our nice quiet evening wrapping presents and catching up on Countryfile on BBC got interrupted however. I'd listed my 'old' fridge-freezer on eBay and it sold at 7pm. I was immediately contacted by the buyer asking if he could collect after 8pm. Yikes!  Although fairly clean, the OCD in me still wanted to give each part of it a more thorough clean. Just another thing on my 'To-Do' list that hadn't got done!  So much for doing it Monday morning!  So I abandoned my wrapping and got cleaning. Every shelf. Every drawer. 45 min. I hope they appreciate it!  

I was very glad to finally get rid of the fridge-freezer, and was happy enough with the price. The numpty came to collect it (all 200cm of it) without any help!!  Really?  Thanks to the kindness of my neighbour Jack, they finally got it into his car.

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