Mobile ........ Just

Left Mum and Dad's lunchtime for the journey back home. We've had a good weekend, thoroughly enjoyed by all. 

As the mono Monday challenge today is "Mobile", having taken a few pics of them with the two of us (separately, no tripod), I took a couple of shots of their feet. Or rather, their shoe clad feet.

Mobile may be stretching it a bit, although technically accurate. My Dad's knees cause him a lot of pain, and he hobbles along very slowly. in a lot of discomfort. My Mum is also very slow, permanently in first gear, and like my Dad uses a stick.

But mobility is important to them. Even if it does take her an hour to get there, Mum will walk the half mile to Aldi and back with her four wheeled trolley. Slowly ascending the hill on the way back with a laden trolley at a snail's pace (and with occasional stops) worries me, but at 95 if that's what she wants to do there is little to stop her. 

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