looking out of the small window.
In the morning I made a spur on the cleaning. On the ground floor I decided to clean not only the little bathroom, but also the big 'Abstellraum' where the washingmachine etc. are. That will leave tomorrow only one room left, Mischa's room.
Piet Hein"s library is at the end of the corridor and does not need to be cleaned, all walls with bookcases, how could one proceed there?
In the afternoon we started rather late for our walk. We took the path  along the Weser to Würgassen. And at the end of that village is a big manege, horses are led by girls for a ride, and there are always horses looking outside the little windows. The white one was very shy and disappeared soon enough, I saw him eat the hay on the ground, and another brown head appeared. I could cuddle all the sweet horses.
When we at last walked back it was soon enough dark. And we trotted forth till we reached our home.

My haiku:

One of the horses
Looked a bit sad I'll cuddle
You extra times ....

And the proverb:

Gentle is that gentle does

c. 1390  Chaucer, Woman of Bath.

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