
By hallucination30


A good morning, my last 2 hours today until after the Christmas hols. Grabbed a few last bits in the shops, couldn't believe how busy it was from first thing in the morning!
Sammy really fancied a 'star' biscuit this afternoon so when Luce woke, the three of us walked to Sainsbury's where Sammy spectacularly fell face first and split his lip. It was horrendous. So much blood, snot and tears. I nearly joined in I felt so awful for him. No one helped, not even in a shop when i asked for tissues. I had blood down my hands and clothes, Luce had it on her hands and Sammy's face/clothes/hands were covered but no one could help! I ended up carrying him to sainsburys toilets to try and sort him out. Then we made a slow walk home with me trying to carry him and hold Lucie's hand. Only when we got back did we realise we hadn't bought the biscuits.

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