
Apologies for the iphone pictures. Too much going on at the moment, my head's just not in the right place for photography, even though I still want to record snapshots of life.

We had some good heart to heart chats today, in between Ben clamouring for attention.


Ben is amazing. I'm sure he hears God more clearly than we do.

Last night, Ben asked Steve if he was going to work today. We'd been wondering how to explain it to him... So Steve said no, that they didn't want him there any more. Ben looked sad, then said, "It's Ok Daddy. Me and Charley and Mummy will build you a new place to work out of wood."

Then this morning, out of the blue, he said, "It's Ok, God's here."

Steve went off to see HR this morning and came back all upset and emotional again, but we've finally made a decision so hopefully by Wednesday everything will be done and we can start rebuilding.

The preach on Sunday, about dealing with disappointment (still not online. Really want to listen to it!), Steve told me one of the things Colin talked about was about Abraham and Isaac. About how there was so much promise tied up in Isaac, promise for a nation called by God. And God told Abraham to offer Isaac - his only son, when God had promised he would be father to a nation - up as a sacrifice. And it was only when Abraham had stopped putting his faith in the promises invested in Isaac, and recentred his faith in God, that God moved to bring about all the things he'd promised. (Oh and in case you don't know the story, Abraham prepared everything for the sacrifice and was just about to kill Isaac when God called out "Stop!" and provided a ram to sacrifice instead, knowing that Abraham now knew just how much he trusted his God.)

His point was that until we lay our self-sufficiency down, we can never let God be our everything.

The thing that's been bothering Steve is that he's the main breadwinner.


Should be.

Providing for his family. Responsible.

And for him, laying that down and recognising that God is our provider, is really hard and really scary. Thinking about going self-employed, whether there will be enough work... God is our provider.

In other news, we bought new sketchbooks today :-) This makes me smile! I have two. One for work - this makes me smile firstly because I have clients and work, and secondly because the work I am doing requires me to have a sketchbook (cheaper than a graphics tablet, and far more theraputic to feel real paper under pen!); and one purely for pleasure which of COURSE makes me smile. I actually feel creatively alive enough to start art-journalling. And the third was Steve's, in faith for the work he's going to be doing in the future :)

That makes me smile :)

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