Colourful bulbs!

Not christmas light bulbs but flower bulbs - so pretty to see on an otherwise grey and very wet day! It was raining so hard and fast that the water was bubbling up the drain holes! Major splashage from the huge puddles as I made my way to the Recycling Tip!
The dentist went fine - I stayed calm and the four teeth that need attention are looking no worse and it may not be for a long time before they play up! Hopefully I will find the way to getting them done before they do! As the ones at the back should have major numbing and therefore my tongue going numb too, which is what caused my panic to go stratospheric last time, I was prepared to go without the numbing, but she spoke of a drip anaesthetic just on the tooth being worked upon. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, usually works well on children and since I am both child sized and being childish about the whole thing hopefully it will for me! With some adult sized valium from the Dr!!!!
I've felt very "blah" the last couple of days - my major cupboard cleaning and the miserable weather seems to have sucked the energy right out of me - but a dinner party tomorrow and lunch thursday with Gilesey should see me right! Plus I have begun the present wrapping - tomorrow I will make CD calendars - I'm anticipating choosing and printing them is going to be problematic - but hopefully I am wrong!!

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