Pigeon Park

A full day of Christmas bits, plus popping to San An for some odds & ends (see extra for the phone pic from the supermarket - so beautiful!), plus retreat time, plus cookie baking with Asha... Also a cookie disaster when I began adding curry powder to the dough, instead of cinnamon...argh! 

I've been wanting to capture these pigeons in full flight for ages...not a great shot, next time I'll reposition myself somewhere with a plainer background and wait for THE moment when the kids run & send the birds up in the air!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling like we're making headway with Christmas bits.
2) A lovely unexpected trip to San An - walking along the outskirts to the supermarket, we walked past full orange and lemon trees, wild flowers, mist hanging over the hills, crickets chirruping...it was SO lovely.
3) Asha being giving & forgiving...we've made cookies for her to give to her classmates as Christmas presents....but I find baking a tad stressful, especially with a 4 year old who thinks she knows everything! Cue a fighting-not-to-be-grumpy-Mom... Bless Ash though, when I say I'm sorry, she's so quick to throw her arms round me!

An extra and MASSIVE grateful is Danny seeing José, a Roma guy, today. He wants to have a drink together before we leave for Christmas,...he said to Danny, when you're free, walk into Sa Penya and just shout 'Capitán!' and I'll come meet you!

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