Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip


Had a lovely dinner this evening at a friend's house. I haven't seen her in an age. I used to teach art alongside her, she's a great teacher and was incredibly helpful and kind when I didn't know what I was at!
Her daughter made a lovely lasagne and I met her husband for the first time. He made these amazing figurative ceramics pieces, all dreamy and ethereal with a lot of large toes! Anyway there must have been a bit of a foot fetish in the living room as along with all his figures with rows of toes there was a painting done by my friend. The pebbles are great, just like being on a beach. The foot is her husband's although I'm not too sure about this. Do middle aged men's feet really look like that?My husband's are all rough, knobbly and hairy and my dad's are even worse as he has one if those fungal nail infections. Maybe my friend's husband should jack in his job as a ceramicist and become a foot model instead.
The above text was written with a good bit of creative licence. In fairness to Mr Down in the Dip his feet are really not too bad at all!

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