
By Bom

Ok, so it's not a lightsaber!

Actually it's just a coincidence that I decided to do a light painting for Abstract Thursday on the same day I went to see Star Wars, but the thought it might be related did make me laugh!  The film wasn't bad, but I'm not a fan as to me there's far too much fighting and killing without any emotion.  I was slightly worried walking into Cineworld when about 60 kids about 7 years old were trooping in, but fortunately they went to the right hand screens when I went to the left!

I spent the afternoon getting up to date on all my financial paperwork and filing - a task I really hate, but I also feel very smug when its done. I'm hoping to move house next year, so it was a very necessary task!

"Organising is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."


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