Blip meet at Waddesdon Manor

An easy morning before Beeonhive (Julie) arrived. 

I had arranged for us to attend a Blip meet at Waddesdon Manor arranged by Chantler63 & so with some trepidation we opened the door of the Power House and introduced ourselves to several fellow blippers including Chantler63,  B4YUU,  BOM,  AH14, Hildasrose,  Loosecanon,  Technophobe and several others whose names escape me right now. Having had a great chat and drunk coffee courtesy of Kathy (Thank you so much) we wandered around to the front of the Manor where Kathy recorded the event by way of a photo or two.

This is where we parted company. The main group left to visit the inside of the house whereas Julie & Myself only walked around the outside before catching the bus back to the car park. One evening soon I will take Carol to have a look at the lighting exhibit in the grounds.

Fabulous to meet you all at last and lets do it again some time. Happy Christmas to you all.

Another fine mild but dull day

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