From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul

My mom said that to me years ago. It's true that opticians can tell a lot from your eyes about your general health. As for being the windows to the soul, I am not sure.
If that was true, my soul is worn out, criss crossed like a road map and clearly in need of a few early nights! Ah it's true then.

I went to the optician on the way home yesterday. It was a contact lens check up and my lenses were stuck to my eyeballs after a day of staring at my PC screen after my usual late night. Do you know, I just can't go to bed early? I have tried and given up. 11pm is about the earliest I can manage it and even then I will read, tweet or write myself notes to torment me all night with thoughts of the horrors of the day ahead. They say that as you get older, you need less sleep. Well I must be bloody ancient as four and a half hours seems to be my average!

I was going to walk to the opticians as it's about halfway home from the council house. The rain put paid to that and I caught a nice empty bus getting there half an hour early. That's OK. I hate being late. I was two weeks late when I was born and have been making up for it ever since. My nice optician saw me early and while he'd popped out for to answer a query, I took my chance! He caught me of course, but was very interested in the idea of Blipfoto. Anyway, no nasty surprises were there and I escaped unscathed with my picture. Sorted!

Apologies if this track is a bit heavy duty for a trip to the opticians but it's my favourite Deep Purple track - When a Blind Man Cries

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