
Spent the afternoon with one of our near neighbours, Jane.  After her usual stories about the war and holidays with her (recently departed) best friend Nancy, she gave an impromptu recital at the piano.

Jane is 92 and an amazing woman.  She looks frail, but as soon as she sits at the piano and gets in the groove - and she does get in the groove - her shoulders gently sway as she feels the beat.  

She treats us first of all to ‘I cover the waterfront’.  I have a version of this by Jimmy Smith on vinyl so recognise it immediately, which pleases her. 

Then - ‘Time after Time.’  My jaw is dropping at her improvisation - why should I be so surprised?  Because we don’t expect little old ladies to be hot jazz players?  (Dan and Kelly attended a ‘blues harmonica for beginners’ workshop last weekend - sat next to Kelly was a 93-year old who had just taken up the instrument).

We feel very honoured to hear her play - these days she doesn’t perform for everyone.  Unlike her younger brother.  A mere 86, he plays clarinet and saxophone in a jazz band every friday night at Paddington Station.  You may have seen him if you travel that way.

This alpine strawberry plant in the front garden made me think of her today; small and fragile and surrounded by big guys, it’s easy to dismiss.  But it’s still there; evergreen.

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