The Pope

Benedict in his before work bath pose :-)

A switch has flicked in Benedict's head. In the small hours of Tuesday I woke to him gently tapping me on the head. He meowed, purred and wanted a cuddle. It lasted a few minutes and then he went back to his spot on the other side of the bed. That was a first.

He repeated it twice more, elated with his discovery that his human is a good sort after all. He still has a way to go, before he's confident to go outside and return home, and he regards any visitor as an axe murderer, but he's come on in leaps and bounds.

This morning the bath and ping pong balls were his favourite. I noted he'd added a couple of toy mice to the mix too. Later all the toys were out of the bath, including the 2 ping pong balls. I'm yet to discover where they are.

For me it's a joy to see this little cat transforming into a confident and trusting wee fella. I'm struck by how happy he's become, as he discovers he really is safe and no one is going to harm him.

There is of course the good food, toys and nice things to sleep on too. Benedict really has landed on his feet and he's starting to know it.

I think we can call him the Pope :-)

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