Saturcholia Revisited

Earlier in the year I coined a new word, one which sadly hasn't caught on because a google search only throws up references to this journal. I was actually surprised to see that I'd posted that blip as early as March 28th. Saturcholia describes the feeling of disappointment and sadness when you wake up on a Saturday morning, having looked forward all week (when the weather has been mostly good) to a day of freedom, only to be met by wind and rain. This was a pattern that had set in early in the year and has pretty much continued right through to the end. It's been quite extraordinary. There have been a few exceptions but not really that many. 

I haven't minded too much this last few weeks because I've spent the Saturday morning writing and the horrible weather was actually a blessing, but today, waking up feeling extremely flat, the deeply grey skies and rain just flattened my mood even further. I eventually dragged myself up on the moor for a long run. At least it wasn't cold. Indeed, it was as mild a December day as I can ever remember. There were certainly colder Saturdays during the cricket season!

I ended up doing a few more miles than intended. I had my camera in a little bum bag and had got to a point close to where this blip was taken when I went to get it out, only to find the zip open and nothing there. Assuming it had fallen out, I retraced my steps, running into the rain, hoping to find it on the track somewhere. It was amazing how many black stones there were that looked on first sight exactly like my camera case. I finally reached the last place I had taken a picture. No joy. It was hard to believe that I had missed it and there was no one around to have picked it up. For some reason I then put my hand into the pocket of my shorts and immediately realised that it had actually been tucked away there the whole time! I guess I'm a little distracted by life at the moment.

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