
Luke is a bit of a Star Trek Star Wars fan so chose 'Force' for today's challenge.

Before any thoughts turned to what we would take photos of, My Love and I took to the garden with a chainsaw and a blow torch. The dogs looked on, worried. Whilst PW lumberjacked, I got a good fire going and  set about processing all the branches. We now have more logs for the woodburner we don't yet own and although a lot of other stuff was burnt, there is still a big pile for another fire. One day we will get control of the trees in the garden!

The afternoon walkies were taken at Birsay, a nice change of location and plenty of 'force' opportunities. My blip is a rock I found earlier this year, the force of nature created it a bloody long time ago but I love how the veins of quartz run through it. The crop also reminds me of a galaxy far, far away.

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