Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Holly & the Ivy, Part 1

Okay, I posted an ivy blip a couple of days ago, here is the holly to go with it.  And taken in sunshine!!  Amazingly, for our forecast grey wet day, we had an hour or so of lovely sun this morning.  Obviously that didn't last, but having racked my brains to think where I might find some berried holly (apart from down the market), my daughter, as she was leaving for work, said, 'What about the tree over there?'  It's true.  We have a tree about 500m away.  I see it every day from my bedroom window.  I'd just never thought of looking.  It is smothered in berries!

Apart from which, all I want to say is about BlipFuture.  I pledged early on.  I hope to pledge more.  I don't want to lose you guys, I'm much to fond of you all and absorbed in this wonderful bliplife we live.  I know people lost money on 'Lifetime Memberships' and 'Yearbooks', but that was then and we haven't paid anything for quite a while.  And it (the past blipfoto and losses) has nothing to do with BlipFuture and the current wonderful people who are trying to take the site into 2016 and beyond for us.  If we all sit on our hands and hope others will stump up, we'll lose it.  Christmas is a nacky time for this, I know, but maybe by the end of the weekend when the turkey's digested? 

This is just how I feel, anyway.  Forgive me if you don't..
And have a great Monday evening  xx

PS: I'm off with friends to a carol service at the cathedral tonight (Christmas begins here) so won't get to commenting until later

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