What do I know?

The world is a strange, often imperfect place.
That no matter what, we cannot always protect others.
But that we should try.
I knew this before. I have always known it I think. The imperfection and strangeness is a harsher reality to bear as I get older.

I know that after a full day at the chalk face, my colleagues and myself could have done without part 1 of a 2 part training session for nearly 3 hours afterwards.

I know that despite assurances and recommendations that it would be better, it could have been better than it was. The content we have to cover is harrowing, and leaves little room for making it a 'dynamic' session, but even so, it could have been less driven by PowerPoint.

I am still bemused (at best) by a closing statement/question "I hope you have enjoyed the training". I don't think "enjoy" was the correct word. Found it useful. Yes, despite it being old ground, it was useful to revisit it. Enjoyed. No. It was not a topic that it would be appropriate to enjoy.

I know that next week I will be bringing refreshments to both cohorts of colleagues. I know my colleagues have patience that I do not, and resilience that I wish I could find.

On the up side, I came home to what I know best - my boy, my husband. I know that they are my constants. Always here. They know when to hug, when to leave me to just 'be', when to talk, when to be quiet. They just know.

I know I am blessed by simply having them in my orbit. I do not take that for granted. I know that I would hunt down anyone who hurt either of them, consequences be damned.

I know also that I am lucky to have made some wonderful friends of late, who despite an ocean between us, will be there when I need them, and when I don't, they will still be there to just shoot the breeze with.

I know, that despite the trials, life is pretty good really.

Today's colour is therefore not black. That is a good thing.

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