
James and Corin were entertaining me with bubbles in the garden.

I had the wrong lens on, but it was a case of try it and see.

I was trying to get the sunlight (yes, there was some) and interference colours on the surface AND the reflections of the houses...didn't want much really.

It's one image, duplicated to make an adjustment layer, then erased the mono bubble so you can see the colour.

Reminds me of a little molecule. Which panders to the geek in me today who waited for the announcement from CERN this morning.

In relation to the discovery (highly probable) of the Higgs Boson particle, I received this email this evening.

From Dad
Subject : Higgs Boson

Good news about the discovery. How long before one appears on Ebay?
Just a thought!

(AP is what my Dad signs himself as - Aged Parent!)

Is it any wonder that I am how I am?! I think he is still bemused that I am going to be teaching science from September. About time I did some real stuff instead of playing with computers for most of the week eh?!

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