The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

No Room at the Inn...

I am continuing with the nativity in the Black Country Dialect, just try and read it if your having problems just say it as written.

Mary cut sum sandwiches an packed a few cairkes an opples. Then er med a bottle a tay, (then the thermoses then) an when they’d ad a daysent breakfast, Joseph got the donkey out, put Mary on, an away they went.
“Cheer up, our kid. It ay far now,” Joseph told er.
“Yo can see teh lapms in Bethlehem down the road. We’ll soon av a rest. I shore be sorry neither. I keep gettin bricks an sond in me sandals.”
When they got into town, Joseph knocked on the door of an inn an asked for a double room. The bloke what answered said: “I cor elp yer,. There’s that mony on em eere they’m avin ter sleep in the passage.”
The next un was like it an all, but Joseph said to the chap: “Aint there anywhere we can goo? My missus is out theer on a donkey, an er’s gooin ter av a babby soon.”
The chap scratched his yed, then ee ad an idea. Ee said: “We cleaned the stable out after tay, so it ay mucky. If I shift a couple of osses an a camel, you could kip down theer.”
Joseph day even bother to ask Mary. Ee said: “We’ll tek it,” straight off.

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