My alternative diary

By chrisphoto


I guess we all have objects around where we live that remind us of significant events or special people.
At the tender age of 30 I threw up a promising sales career to train as a Child Care Officer (subsequently Social Worker). On my final placement the area office where I worked housed all the then community services – it was a very social office so many friendships were formed. One of my friends was a Health Visitor and in her life outside work, a very gifted potter. Some of her work was a leaving present for me at the end of my placement. Some years after I qualified I heard she had found her soul mate (a fisherman), married and moved to The Channel Islands. Sometime later she drove to the harbour to meet her husband and parked. Their dog was in the back of the vehicle and for some reason jumped into the front, knocked the handbrake off and the vehicle ended up in the harbour and she drowned. 

I have two pieces of her work and today’s blip is one such object.  

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