Deck the Halls

Well, not quite, but I do it in my own modest way:-)  These are some lovely Christmas flowers from my mother-in-law, with the (second) decorated tree in the background, but I'll spare you all the tacky odds and ends on every available surface:-)

My third attempt at making mince pies this afternoon was my most successful yet and they will be saved to serve to visitors.  My first batch, made with ready made puff pastry, was quite disgusting and the second batch made with bought shortcrust was nearly as bad.  However, Mary Berry came to the rescue with her orange pastry made in a food mixer.  No mess up your nails and a delicious crust on each pie.  Sorted:-)

Very wild and windy here, with a touch of snow on the hills earlier, so we may have a white Christmas yet in parts of Scotland!

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