Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


When I opened the box, this beautiful cover was staring at me and, for a split second, I was baffled.  What could it be?  Only for a second though, then I lifted out this wonderful book that my daughter made for me!  It all started before Thanksgiving when she waited until I was out and came over and hacked into my computer (well, not really, she knows the password) and found a folder that I keep all my posted photos in.  She uploaded them to a flash drive and then went home and set to work.  She went through a painstaking process of matching the pictures to my journal online because they aren't dated in the folder.  Then she designed this book with all of my 2014 photos in order in a collage format on thick black high glossy pages and a hard cover.  I'm teary-eyed just thinking about all the time and effort and LOVE she put into this fabulous gift!  Besides that, it's gorgeous, inside and out!  Thank you, Becky, I love you too!!  :-))

We had a lovely dinner, and I highly recommend brining a turkey.  It was so tender and juicy!  We enjoyed it so much we hardly had room left for cookies and other goodies.  Gifts were exchanged all around and everyone was very happy.  Piper and Chico were thrilled with their gifts too.  Piper got a new marrow bone and Chico, who would rather play than chew, got a soft piggy that snorts - which he demonstrated for quite a while.  Then we sat by the fire and watched old Christmas movies.  A perfect evening.  :-)

Soon we will leave for our Christmas day gathering at Becky's in-laws.  We're very close to their family and always look forward to spending time with them.  Hope to have time to browse journals tonight....if not, for sure tomorrow.  Thanks for all the lovely comments and stars on yesterday's blip!

Merry Christmas, my wonderful friends!

......and here's to many more years of sharing these moments on Blip!

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