Christmas Swim

There's not a lot you can do on Christmas day that can beat the feelgood factor as a Christmas swim.... The warm brandy afterwards is but an angel's share of the way you can then spoil yourself for the rest of the day.... I hasten to add, at this point, I was there to take photos for the Irish Cancer Society fundraisers and only got wet by way of torrential rain and not the cold river channel that belies the seeming warmth of a seaside splash.

I had a good Christmas, as Christmases go, and look forward now to seeing family and friends over the coming days. I readily acknowledge I am lucky that the season of good will will leave no monetary stress knawing at my heels and many are not so lucky.

Watching a comedy tonight on tv I was reminded of my Christmas Eve lunch with a friend who regaled me with a trip he had into Brendans, a well know cafe in Dublin's fruit market. While eating there my friend Pat saw a well known Irish comedian come into the cafe and leave two cheques, each for €10,000, for two homeless charities. This he did without quietly and without publicity..... so I'll leave you wondering..... There are still good people out there.....just saying

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