Boxing Day Weather!

Two outings into the awfulness today!  Corinthian circulated a text to hardy walkers to come out and play in St Ives this morning and three blippers, two spouses and Buster the Dog answered the call.  Our familiar circuit to Lady Blantyres had become a series of streams and waterfalls!  It was good to get out though and coffee and cake were very welcome on the return home.  Afterwards I thought I would head over to Goit Stock Waterfall to see what it looked like after hours of constant rain.  The walk there down Leech Lane made for interesting blips!  Usually it is possible to walk up to the waterfall and then up the steps to the side, but today I could only get as close as in my blip, it was too dangerous to go any further.  I had planned on doing a circular walk but the road out of the caravan park was impassable, so it was back up Leech Lane.  More very wet blips from my walk here.

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