
By ChrisGroucutt

Boxing Day Fun & Games

The Christmas shenanigans continued today with the traditional extended family get-together, where even more mirth and merriment was had. (And not to mention even more wine and food was had. The diet officially starts the first day next year... I've given up trying right now.)

The real treat though is to watch the frivolities that ensue when the kids get together with their cousins. You never know quite what will happen... great fun. Today was SpaceHoppers, and Nerf gun battles (complete with waste paper basket helmets). I'm not totally sure exactly who won the battle but I copped a few nerf bullets to the belly while I was taking photos, so I'm pretty certain it wasn't me.

I've put a couple of extras in... one that I helped my nephew take for a school photography project, so we set up a little candle shot for him to shoot, and figured it came out nice (Well done Sam!), and one of a chocolate fountain, because seriously, who doesn't want a chocolate fountain blip?

Happy Boxing day!


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