The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Boxing Day Science

I didn't have too much of a hangover on Boxing day morning so I took my mum out shopping to get her out of the house a little bit and spend some quality time with her.  Hate shopping but hey she had a nice morning.

When we got back I picked up Steve and then we went to spend time with Jo, Stew and the kids.  Aidan was playing with his toys - one of which is a science type kit that you mix stuff and make fart smelling/ vomit smelling liquids - NICE!  um not.

Niamh was playing with her dolls - she loves her babies and prams (see extra photo).  We played Monopoly - world edition before coming back to my parents for dinner.

Steve hasn't been feeling well at all through this Christmas though so he stayed home while I went to visit some friends.  I had a lovely evening - chatting and having a few laughs.

We are going to be heading home a lot earlier than planned as Steve is keen to just be at home with the girls and having a chillaxing time.  Sunday's plan is now go and visit with my other cousin and his wife for a few hours and then basically head down the road later this afternoon.  We will probably not get home til about midnight so it may be a bit of a slog this evening to get home but I think Steve will be much happier being at home while he is under the weather.

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