Photo Journey

By notabit


Today we hung four of my pictures, framed and matted. Not at home, I don't have any of my pictures on my walls except for pictures of family on a pinboard. So this was a very first. The pictures are hanging at my hairdressers.

It was his idea and it took me a very long time to act on it. And to tell the truth, I still don't feel comfortable with it. The whole ordeal of deciding which pictures, what size, how many, where to have them printed was fraught with uncertainty. I am used to looking at my photos on my computer screen, in Flickr, FB, here, and they look right, but on a wall?

My husband solved all the technical problems involved (kudos) and within 45 minutes the pictures were up. And I still had that strange feeling, something like embarrassment, which got me to thinking about one's presence in the Internet as opposed to the physical world. This act of hanging my pictures where anyone can see them left me feeling exposed and vulnerable, whereas my computer is private and even in the Internet I feel somehow hidden and safe. I guess you might say I left my comfort zone.

I am still wondering, should I publish this?

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