Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Hello old friend

Well photo options limited today, this is pretty much all I took.

After a long while I have been reunited with my beloved Xbox 360 and gears of war.

Yep new surge protector thing arrived with enough gangs for all our toys and some spare (ooooh look enough room for an Xbox one maybe when gears of war 4 comes out next year ..... I'd better start saving now).

It's been a long time and I've kinda forgotten the controls so told it to run through 'training' .... I am rubbish. Oh well it won't take me long to get back into the swing of things.

In other news finally able to get onto the PlayStation network so Mr Mouse can play his new game on the PS4, loving the NowTV app on the PS4 much nicer than the PS3 version fingers crossed its more stable. Oh and I got a your camera has been dispatched email ... Woohoo .... Sadly I'm at work this week so limited chance to play until the weekend.

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