Here we go again!


Eglise d'Auteuil

Fun and busy times here today! Ch spent the morning with a friend from Toronto who is originally from Paris and who is spending the summer with her grandparents here. We had three other friends of Ch's from school over for lunch to meet Ch's Toronto school friend. I took the girls to the park in the afternoon for a couple hours and they also played at the apartment for quite a while. It was a nice day for Ch, I think, merging old and new friendships.

At 10pm I realized I still didn't have a blip so walked up to Eglise d'Auteuil, just behind our apartment. I pass this church often but haven't blipped it yet. It was built around the same time as Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre (finished in 1892). You can see similarities in the architectural style. Our favourite bakery, Maison Gantier, is just behind it down the street on the right side.

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