Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Bye Bye 7D

This is the scene at #2 Daughter's flat in Edinburgh, unloading all the luggage from the car and, with it, the 7D.

Yesterday the 30D that I passed onto her, three years ago, when I got the 7D, failed. It wanted to keep taking photos on its own! Even pouring alcohol into the battery cavity didn't solve it this time.

This girl has always loved photography, especially in the days of SLRs and prints. Early next year she is having a special holiday and can't go without a good camera, she also needs time to get to know a new one. 

The 30D is quite old now and was giving me problems 3 years ago which was why I bought the 7D from a lovely blipmate. It is probably not worth repairing.

So, bye, bye 7D, hello...... what?????

I am not left with just an iPhone, though I was grateful for the chance to use it today, I have a spare 400D for tomorrow and on New Year's Eve that Best Mate will lend me his 7D while I make up my mind.

No! I cannot change to Nikon, that person who will be wanting to say that! 

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