I am rosco

By iamrosco

The dry patch...

I swear there is one, you just have to look closely.

Well it started out as a day thick with humidity and ended with the sky giving up on trying to hold on to said liquid. Yeesh.

I got a little drenched on my way home, do I decided to head out for a run round the park with my waterproof trail shoes - exactly what they were made for. I got less than two streets over before the next downpour came and soaked me to my skin. The runner up ahead turned round and gave up, throwing his arms up as he passed me.

I, however, carried on - I had the shoes for it after all. Waiting up at the lights, I was joined by an equally saturated guy. He was off on the same route, so we paced each other (and looked out for each other as we crossed some rivers roads. Swiming running down towards the parliament was a good laugh, the path and cycle route were flowing like a river and we were showered from the torrent on the road with each passing car. By the time we passed St Margaret's Loch the fuzz were shutting the roads - it didn't look fun to drive in.

So on we slogged up the hill, rain having ceased by this point. At least it wasn't a cold evening, so being soaked was actually keeping me refreshed. We parted ways up at Dunsapie Loch where I ventured upwards for some calf-burning fun times, wishing each other well. A pleasant break from my usual lone-runner style, and I wouldn't rule it out in the future.

Here's the real story though...
Turns out he was a former 400m national youth champion of Gambia - so not a bad pacemaker at all.

To top it all off I was welcomed back to my street by a significant flash followed shortly by a rather menacing roll of thunder. Time to head inside.

p.s. turns out waterproof shoes not only don't let water in, but also don't let water out once it has seeped in from your socks and legs. Currently stuffed with newspaper and Lynn upside down on the bathroom radiator in an effort to dry them out. If there are still hosepipe bans in order down south, first person to ask will be sent the reservoir I reclaim from my shoes and kit

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