The future of blip

Happy 2016 one and all... I hope the hangovers are kind to you this morning, as a fresh and shiny new year awaits, full of hopes and opportunities...

So like many others I'm publicly pledging my support to save, continue and develop our blipfoto site... for details on how to pledge... look on the crowd funding site 

I joined blipfoto on the 30 December 2010... and across the 5 years I've posted more than 1470 images...  It's quite something to look back at old journal posts that have documented life and death as well as the mundane and the comical moments of life... even the gaps in my journal have an eloquence that reminds me of certain events and how I was feeling at a particular time... As a kid I always wanted to keep a diary,  but would get bored and quit within the first couple of weeks of each year... but blip with it's image led format and friendly community, somehow managed to hook me in...Sometimes I just write a journal with a placeholder image,  sometimes I post what I think is a cracking picture, sometimes I play around with lights and my camera to try out new techniques,  sometimes I skip whole days and occasionally weeks, sometimes I interact and chat with others, sometimes I'm quiet and just peruse the images that capture my attention, but often I join in with the big community projects and competitions and I always come back...  

I really hope we can raise the money to continue blip as I would miss it enormously if it all disappears... 

So please pledge to support blip future,  or pick up a camera and join in for yourself and give it a try... see if it hooks you in as well ...

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